3 Best Ideas to create paintings/portraiture background from Disney Animated Movies

3 Best Ideas to create paintings/portraiture background from Disney Animated Movies

Artists love to experiment with colors all the time, some like to work with opposites,some with monochrome,some with split complementaries and many more color mixing schemes.

I ll give you some great ideas to select  beautiful color schemes from Disney movies.Yes!from Disney animated movies you can pull out many color schemes and incorporate in your paintings.

Here i ll give you examples of Artists taking inspiration from Disney movies to create awesome paintings of their own.

Yakovetic transforms animated scenes into amazing Flemish style paintings.You can definitely learn a lot by studying his work and improve your paint mixing skills.

First,it is necessary to follow one Artist of your choice and draw and paint like him. Once your mind and eyes are trained to observe and translate images through your own hands ,it will be easy for you to find style of your own.

From th image above,you can see its created with not more than four basic colors. The temperature of the paints tend towards cool.The overall cool colors are complemented with a flick of hot spark in the fallen air vehicle.You can learn color schemes and compositional ideas by observing Disney images.

3 take away Action items for Artists from this blog post are:

1- Dont be intimidated by exploring different approaches in your paintings.
2- Mix and experiment with backgrounds pulled out from two three pictures.
3-Pause your favourite movie scenes and paint them.

As an Artist in Pakistan,there is lack of guided resources for online and self study.My goal is to provide free resources to art students and community and help them excel in their desired area of interest from learning to marketing their art.
Ayesha Ashfaq.

Reach me @Ayeshashfaq13A

I am an Artist, Mentor at Corsera SEO course and Social media marketing.
Happy painting
