Calligraphers :3 simple steps for calligraphy Wall Art

3 Easy steps to do Arabic calligraphy Wall  Art

Hello and welcome to my art and calligraphy blog.

Arabic calligraphy course online.

DIYCalligraphy in blue color wahu wa ala qulee shayi in qadeer

I ll show you guys how i created this calligraphy at home with acrylics.


First we need tools and some skills to create a piece of calligraphy art like this.i have been doing calligraphy for five years and still learning, come along and u ll be able to do the calligraphy art too.

Tools and Materials:

  • Canvas board
  • acrylic paints
  • brushes of different sizes
  • pallette n water
  • gesso
Step 2

  • Prepare the canvas with two coats of gesso,drying and sanding between layers.
  • Use cobalt blue as base color,add some white and lemon yellow here and there on canvas to make it visually interesting.
  • Write with brush directly if you are skilled in calligraphy alphabets,or trace from some book.You can take prints from computers also.
  • i let the base color dry and then write with brushes of different thickness.
  • Add some interesting shapes and forms like islamic patterns in your calligraphy.
  • When your paints dry ,spray with varnish to make it shine.
Step 3

Now your Art is ready to grace any wall. Do some alphabet practice in spare time and you ll be more confident of your piece of art.
Happy painting:)

I have compiled a great post on how to create backgrounds for paintings, check it here ,you can apply this method on calligraphy art as well.

great ideas to make calligraphy/painting backgrounds

If you want mentoring in Art,use of colors and calligraphy writing, DM me on Instagram.Also share your work with me on Instagram or twitter by tagging me ,Ill be happy to connect and comment.

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